Certificate of Honor from the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues was awarded for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism and significant personal contribution to the development of the dairy industry of the Russian Federation
The Business Forum is held annually with the support of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The event is organized by the Dairy Union of Russia, which in 2023 included the main production site of the Group of Companies - Uva-moloko.
The Business Forum is aimed at establishing mutually beneficial contacts, expanding trade and cooperative ties between entrepreneurs, subjects of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and far abroad.
MLK-GROUP, Mlk Group, Uva-moloko, Milkovo, Bereketle, Molochnaya Familia, Emshanov, Kasymovskiy, Apastovskiy, Dairy Plant, milk plant, dairy plant, Molsbyt, MLK Group, milk production